Daily Twitter Posts - 10/28/2011 - 11/04/2011

Submitted by tomo on November 4, 2011 - 12:45pm

11/03 09:25 I have a question. RT @tuoitrenewsvn: Truck hits three bikes, two women die http://t.co/bVOuIPx4 #
11/02 05:44 @caligarn Quality of orgasms over quantity. Clearly, we can test both. (I see you've changed your avatar for the 1923438th time) #
11/02 05:14 @nguyenhimself @dynamicscholar It will be a lot of tedious work, but I'm willing to take it on. In the name of advancing science. #
11/02 04:12 "Study says a woman's walk reflects her vaginal orgasmic history" - Not sure what to make of this. May need to do further research on my own #
10/31 05:52 @dynamicscholar Any website can be attractive on the frontend. Drupal is truly beautiful on the inside which you can't see w/o admin account #
10/31 05:51 @dynamicscholar http://t.co/yPpFYJ99. Some case studies: http://t.co/qDpPypJg And list of 10 Drupal sites: http://t.co/KrZ7sGKQ #
10/31 05:07 @dynamicscholar What kind of design do you mean? Graphic design / Drupal theme? Or examples of fully developed Drupal sites? #
10/30 04:26 @dynamicscholar The charm is there, floating in the water. My street is usually passable, and I have escape routes. #
10/30 02:06 @dynamicscholar Huynh Tan Phat? You made the news! So did my hood. http://t.co/yS29yP4f #
10/29 05:59 RT @mybigfatface: Today I was called a cheap dog pussy by a tuk tuk driver. #onlyincambodia #
10/29 05:28 @SaigonSean Never? Vietnamese people seem quite content to transport themselves through #poowater (ask @dynamicscholar) #
10/29 03:04 Saigon has some 100 km of canals. Instead of taking advantage of it for transportation or tourism, it's a toilet and trashbin for neighbors #
10/28 05:14 @caligarn Are they? They're in tune with Japan's mobile consumers: got adoption of 3G, NFC, smart cards, QR codes. Think mobile, not web. #
10/28 04:43 I want a pair of these gloves, built into my motorbike: http://t.co/haxDjPCM #
10/28 04:25 Idea: Local network appliance that mirrors Google Apps and cloud storage for quicker, offline access. Think Git for all your work. #
10/28 04:07 @peoplewithideas Taking over a domain name is not too hard w/ a bit of social engineering. Quite hard to lose domains by lapsed renewal now #

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