Parkson Paragon


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Submitted by HạnhHoaT on March 21, 2014 - 8:30am
HạnhHoaT's picture

Although the area is in District 7 and almost adjacent, Parkson MegaStar Paragon is built with luxury orientation and class, in sharp distinction with MegaStar Crescent Mall, is a new option for those addicted to watching movies.A special feature of the theater MegaStar Paragon M Parkson - Cinema, bringing activities to enjoy the cinematography new level. The audience will be welcomed by personal service in the VIP room. The system leather seats comfortable, elegant can adjust the pillow and blanket to create maximum comfort for users. And there is no doubt that the quality of sound and image projection room is guaranteed in most benchmarks. Megastar aspiring theater variable M - cinema of choice for meetings, group events elegance, sophistication. So elegant theaters designed, combining its LED system. Staff serving good, polite hearted.


5th Floor, 03 Nguyen Luong Bang Street, District 7 5th Floor, 03 Nguyen Luong Bang Street, District 7

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