FAFILM Thai Van Lung


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Submitted by HạnhHoaT on March 21, 2014 - 11:29am
HạnhHoaT's picture

This is theater of Vietnam regulars. it is a branch of the National Cinema Centre in Hanoi, 3 theaters, cinema theaters A and B are large, widescreen, standard sound. food that does not sell much. but in general for those who just love movies but not to the theaters this paragraph shall not eat a lot less of the big multiplexes. This theater is a subsidiary of one of the largest movie theaters, most majestic, the oldest in the Saigon VN but few people know this theater. geez, should try to feel it. Ticket prices range 30_40 k


6 Thai Van Lung, District 1 6 Thai Van Lung, District 1

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